
We are accountable for what we do

We are an Indigenous child well-being agency. We support Indigenous children, youth and families using traditional values. We are accountable to the communities we serve and to their Indigenous leadership. We do that in many ways, including using community navigators to help guide our work, developing unique performance measures and reporting regularly to the community. We have a lot of responsibility, but who are we responsible to? Here is how we are accountable:

  • Our Board of Directors, appointed by the First Nations we serve, review our budget, services and performance.
  • We publish an annual report, including financial and service numbers.
  • Our Agency has a client complaint system.
  • Provincial legislation (The Child, Youth and Family Services Act) guides us and tells us what we have to do.
  • The Ministry of Community and Social Services reviews our budget and operations.
  • We follow the Government of Ontario’s Expense and Procurement rules.
  • The Child & Family Services Review Board is an impartial body that reviews complaints about our actions.
  • If we have to go to Family Court (which happens in a minority of cases) Family Court Judges decide what’s in the best interests of the child.
  • The Office of the Children’s Lawyer also represents some children in Family Court
  • Office of the Ontario Ombudsman has assumed all investigative functions of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth. The Ombudsman now has responsibility for investigations related to children and youth receiving services from children’s aid societies or residential licensees and will address complaints using the office’s early resolution and investigations models. Children and youth will be able to use the same telephone number to reach the Ombudsman that previously connected them to the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth.

Here’s more about our plans, policies and expenses

Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child & Family Services does not give perquisites to its staff and appointees.