Cultural Services
Our cultures are a fundamental source of strength and an effective tool to heal and aid our people in rediscovering their self-respect, inner-strength and personal identity as proud Indigenous people. We provide culturally intelligent services for our people in ways that will enhance their strengths.
Indigenous cultures include traditional values and teachings, customary parenting, child rearing practices, ceremonies, healing methods, and establishing and enhancing relationships with all aspects of creation.
Our Elders carry the history of our Nations and the roots of our cultures. They provide us with wisdom, guidance, direction and encouragement. We hold them in high regard and approach them for help, advice, support as we provide services to those we serve.
Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child & Family Services recognizes Cultural Services are an integral component of individual, family, and community healing and should be accessible to every Indigenous child, youth and family requesting services.
We recognize that each child, youth, family, First Nation, Metis and Inuit community is unique and our Service Model respects those differences.